
Monday, 20 August 2012

Get a(n Extra) Life! - How Video Games Can Make You Live Longer

FINALLY - A justification for all the time I've put into Diablo 3!

Jane McGonigal, PhD and author of the book Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How they Can Change the World  (Penguin Press, 2011) is putting all preconceived notions about gaming aside as she seek to enlighten the world on the importance of video games in modern society.

One such example of this was presented in her June 2012 TED talk where she explains the importance of video games in the healing process. Using well backed research she has created a simple game called "SuperBetter" that can add (believe it or not) 10 years to your life!

The game seeks to improve 4 main areas of life: Physical resilience, Mental Resilience, Emotional Resilience, Social Resilience using micro quest such as "shaking hands" or "doing something active". By completing the quest you do not only gain point but also improve on the aspects that lead to a longer happier life!

And people say video games are a waste of time, HA!

To find out more check out the TED talk at :

Or her Website at:

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